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MAX’S Clean MASS provides the perfect carb to protein ratio to pack on lean muscle MASS! Clean MASS combines our sustained release GlycoForce Carb System with our fast, medium and slow release Clean Mass Protein Blend in a 2:1 ratio - ideal for adding size without fat. To help support maximum growth we also include specific amino acids and potent activators that fuel recovery and stimulate protein synthesis.



$79.00 Regular Price
$63.20Sale Price

MAX'S Anabolic Protein Blend
Blended proteins verses single protein – which is better? All proteins have specific characteristic, strengths and weaknesses. Whey is fast acting – ideal for taking after training but not a good choice before bed when you need slow release. In fact science now supports protein blends as the best muscle building option. Quite simply, you get enhanced protein synthesis by taking a blend of fast, medium and slow proteins than by just taking one type of protein alone - because you get a longer opportunity for protein synthesis. 


MAX'S Anabolic Protein Blend 

A specific combination of fast, medium and slow dairy proteins that extends your growth window by several hours. You stay anabolic for longer, you pack on more muscle, get stronger, bigger and more powerful.


MAX'S GlycoForce Carb Complex

To fuel muscle growth the right carbohydrates are essential. You don’t want a whole lot of high glycemic carbs that will just turn to fat. You want a blend of fast, medium and slow carbs to give an initial blood glucose spike to get you anabolic, and then a sustained release to fuel muscle growth and power your muscles through every workout. MAX’S GlycoForce Carb Complex was developed  to work synergistically with MAX’S Anabolic Protein Blend and keep you growing all day:


MAX’S MASS Support Matrix 

This Matrix of proven nutrients supports muscle recovery, protein synthesis and energy production


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